Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Word Vomit.

Word Vomit: say exactly what you feel, when you feel it-no restraints. 

The world would be a lot easier if we all had-what they call in Mean Girls- word vomit.

If we all just walked around saying exactly how we felt, some people may be offended, some may be shocked, but at least none of us would be left guessing things like-

"Hmmm, I wonder if he/she really likes me?"
"Does this make me look fat?"
"Am I annoying you?"
"Are you mad?"
Or "Are you sure you won't mind?"

No longer would fake compliments be given-especially by women. Instead of being like this-
Friend says:  "Girl, cute shoes!"
Friend thinks: "Heinous shoes, home girl!

We would be like this:
Friend says: "Girl, your new hair cut is all up everywhere. It's not cute"
Friend thinks: "Girl, your new hair cut is all up everywhere. It's not cute"

So maybe some answers could come across harsh, but at least then we would not all waste time wondering what other people think, because we would already know. You would not have to wonder if that stud of a man in your Math class really likes you or just likes that you can give me the answers he needs. You would no longer wonder if that girl gets your texts and thinks "WTEFF why won't he leave me alone?" We would know.  I mean, let's be honest. Sugar coating things is just getting old. We are all adults. Girls always say they would just rather know the truth. But, I really think if everyone started being truthful all the time, people would not feel the same. All it would take is for one person to tell them their brand new outfit is fugly -and I promise you they would feel differently about being honest 24/7. 

In a sense Dudes have already resorted to word vomit.  When 2 men speak it is like this:

Dude says:"Bro, sick new basketball shoes"
Dude thinks: "What am I going to eat for lunch?"

No second thought given. Just straight forward, honest. It's whatever. 

As Johnny Mayer says,  "Say What You Need to Say" 

The time has come. Word vomit is our answer.  Thank you, Mean Girls. 

1 comment:

  1. i vomit all the time. but i agree. people, including myself, should do it more often. that's one of the great things about working with 5 year olds--no filters for them.
